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What is REST API? What is it used for?

One of the most popular types of APIs, REST or RESTful APIs are designed to take advantage of existing protocols. The app comes with a ready-to-use RestFul Service. You can write code in the REST section and integrate with other applications.

Rest API

The app comes with pre-installed REST drivers. You can use the application according to your requirements.

Example GET Function is like this;


public function clients_get()
      $id = $this->get('id');
      if ($id === NULL) {
          $list = $this->restservice->customers();
          if ($list) {
              // Set the response and exit
              $this->response($list, REST_Controller::HTTP_OK); // OK (200) being the HTTP response code
          } else {
              // Set the response and exit
                  'status' => FALSE,
                  'message' => 'No users were found'
              ], REST_Controller::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); // NOT_FOUND (404) being the HTTP response code

How to Enable REST Service
To enable the REST service, you need to create an API key in Settings > REST API.

The default data response will be in JSON format.

Some basic functions are added by default. You can edit the `application/controller/Rest.php` file to add more methods.


Example POST method;

public function clients_post()
      $id = $this->post('id');
      if ($id === NULL) {
          $list = $this->restservice->customers();
          // Check if the users data store contains users (in case the database result returns NULL)
          if ($list) {
              // Set the response and exit
              $this->response($list, REST_Controller::HTTP_OK); // OK (200) being the HTTP response code
          } else {
              // Set the response and exit
                  'status' => FALSE,
                  'message' => 'No users were found'
              ], REST_Controller::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); // NOT_FOUND (404) being the HTTP response code
      // Find and return a single record for a particular user.
      $id = (int)$id;
      // Validate the id.
      if ($id <= 0) {
          // Invalid id, set the response and exit.
          $this->response(NULL, REST_Controller::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); // BAD_REQUEST (400) being the HTTP response code
      // Get the user from the array, using the id as key for retrieval.
      // Usually a model is to be used for this.
      $list = $this->restservice->customers($id);
      if (!empty($list)) {
          $this->set_response($list[0], REST_Controller::HTTP_OK); // OK (200) being the HTTP response code
      } else {
              'status' => FALSE,
              'message' => 'User could not be found'
          ], REST_Controller::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); // NOT_FOUND (404) being the HTTP response code
                          <!-- end row -->

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